More About Called Together

Why join
Are you single, a follower of Jesus, and called to serve outside your home culture?
CalledTogether is a global community of singles who are doing exactly that, whether serving through NGOs, in education, business, justice, media, or the arts. CalledTogether seeks to connect you to other singles who share your specific burdens and calling, who can partner with you, whether in teams or through godly marriages and family.

Our Heart and Vision
Called wants to remind singles who feel isolated by their commitment to God’s purposes: You are not alone. All over the world, there are other godly singles like you, who are no longer living for themselves. Through this website, we want to give you the opportunity to encourage one another, persevere together, partner with each other, and possibly find spouses among one another. This endeavor is for God’s glory, and also because we, and many others care for you.
Please let us know how we can serve you better, as we continue to shape this site.

How much does it cost?
We charge $9 per month for most of our users, and your first month is just $1.

How many singles are on the site?
We launched in March 2014 and have quickly grown to more than 2000 members. We rebuilt the site in April of 2018 and are excited for years of future growth.

How secure is this site?
CalledTogether is an open network, meaning that we don’t require verification (referrals, applications, background checks) to join. Thus, we recommend that you handle your information as you would on any public site (e.g. Facebook). Use a nickname if your situation requires it, and do not say what country you are living in if you do not want that information online—we recommend you list your general region instead. Once you register, you will have extensive control of your privacy settings, but you should save your most sensitive information for private messages with those you grow to trust.

Do you partner with agencies/organizations?
We are always looking to partner with agencies, and we have already built more than 20 agency partnerships. Partner agencies receive a discount code for their singles. In exchange, they agree to invite their singles to use our site. If you are from a sending agency and would like to get a discount for your singles, please contact [email protected] and request your discount code. Mobilizers are also welcome to join the site via a mobilizer account.

Your domain name is dot ‘US’; do I need to be from America to use the site?
Not at all. Our domain name should be read ‘us’, not ‘U.S’. It points to our hope that many new couples will come together through the site. We welcome anyone who is English speaking.

Can I check out the site before paying?
Our system doesn’t allow for this at the present time, and we try to keep the system somewhat closed for security/privacy reasons. If you do try the site and quickly decide it isn’t for you, you can e-mail [email protected] and request a refund. We grant most refund requests, and we grant all requests within 10 days of a payment.

Who is talking about CalledTogether?
Christianity Today, NPR, Christian Post, HeadShrink, Brigada, SingleRoots, Mission Frontiers, IJFM, SingleVision, and more.

Does CalledTogether have a statement of faith?
We have adopted the World Evangelical Alliance statement of faith. Those who do not agree with that statement are kindly asked to seek alternative services for which we would be happy to offer referrals.

Do I have to live cross-culturally in order to use this website?
No. The singles on this site have a zeal to see Christ loved and known among all nations—either through serving cross-culturally or through faithful work in a mobilization/supporting role. If you are not at all interested in cultures other than your own, there are other wonderful services that would likely be a better fit. We specialize in connecting Christians who share a calling to advance
God’s kingdom at the edges. If you feel called to work as a mobilizer or kingdom professional, you are most welcome to join, just make sure you explain that in your profile.

Why should I use over the 1000s of alternatives?
95% of matches alternative sites will be fundamentally unwilling to move cross-culturally. If you want to live outside of your home culture, CalledTogether is the only site (that we know of) which allows you to view only those matches who share your specific calling. In addition, CalledTogether helps connect you with friends, possible teammates, strategic partners, and resources related to your calling. Finally, CalledTogether is operated and guided by leaders who are passionate about the gospel.