
Called Together is a network of thousands of singles serving God's purposes among the nations. If you want to meet others who share your vision and calling, then come join us. Whether you're seeking a spouse, friendships, teammates, or conversation with like-minded workers, we exist to help you make those connections.


Search and make connections based on calling and interests. Find others who share your zeal for a specific region, ministry type, language group, religious block, etc.


More than 100 success stories have been shared with our team since the site began in 2014. Whether or not God has a life-partner for you on this site, we are certain there are many men and women who can encourage and sharpen you in your faith.



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You can search based on specific callings, nations, cultures, ministry interests, etc.
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Instant Chat
Messages are a good way to learn someone story, calling and interests, but our advanced chat can provide a secure space to learn someone’s personality and humor.
Join groups with globally-minded believers who share your interest in specific regions or calling. Discuss, plan, and share resources related to your calling.
Relevant Profiles
If you care about testimony and calling as much as musical interests, height, and favorite sports, then you’ll be glad to hear our profiles contain the questions that will get to the heart of your compatibility.
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